Online Record Book (ORB)

The Online Record Book (ORB) is an online system to help Participants, Award Leaders and Assessors doing, delivering and assessing the Award. It is where Participants can set up activities, record their efforts, upload evidence and submit assessor reports. Award Leaders can monitor progress behind the scenes, and help if required.

For more details on how to register, click here

ORB Support/Resources

Award Leader Web User Guide

Step by step instructions on how to use the website for Award Leaders

Award Leader App User Guide

Step by step instructions on how to use the Award Leader app

Participant Web Registration Guide

Step by step instructions for Participant registration

Participant Web User Guide

Step by step instructions on how to use the website for Participants

Participants Finalising Assessment with Offline Assessors

Step by step instructions for finalising Sections with Assessors who are offline

Participant APP User Guide

Step by step instructions on how to use the Participant app


 Revising an Award on the Online Record Book

A quick guide to revising an Award on the Online Record Book


There are a number of basic demonstration videos for Award Leaders and Participants. Click on the following links to view:


Award Leader Learning Module
Register via Award Community (the home of the Award’s online learning hub) to be able to access these videos. Step by step guidance on how to use the Online Record Book as an Award Leader Award Leader

1. Award Leader view
2. Award Leader Phone App
3. Award Leader Registration
4. Award Leader reporting

How to Use the ORB for
1. More about the Online Record Book (ORB)
2. Register to start your Award
3. Forgot your password
4. Landing Page Overview
5. Edit Profile and Settings
6. Managing Sections and Activities
7. Setting up Multiple Activities per Section
8. Downloading your Award and Section summaries
9. Setting up your Adventurous Journey

Detailed, step by step guidance for Participants on how to use the Online Record Book web interface Participants Participant Phone App A demonstration of the key processes in Participant phone app

There are additional short, more focused training videos for Award Leaders housed on the International Award Foundation’s Online Learning Hub. These provide training on each of the system’s key processes for Award Leaders (registrations, to do list, managing your unit, managing adventurous journeys, Award Leader app. To view these videos, you need to register to the Online Learning Hub (OLH). The registration validation process usually takes 24-48 hours. For security reasons, we are only able to accept registrations for current Award Leaders.